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Executive Summary

Crypto assets are being adopted for regular day-to-day operations and strategic investment purposes by both traditional enterprise and crypto-native businesses - yet there is no consolidated, easy-to-use solution that allows these enterprises to manage and invest in a way that meets security, governance, and compliance needs. 

Unido enables individuals, small business, crypto-native businesses, asset managers and digital banks to seamlessly manage and invest their crypto assets into DeFi via the Unido Enterprise Platform. 

Unido Enterprise Platform is underpinned by Unido Core  - a proprietary, patent-pending, key signing technology fully developed and tested with traditional finance clients and startup banks. The core platform provides enterprise-grade security, flexible governance, and interoperability for any blockchain interaction. 

As the global demand for blockchain and crypto assets continues to grow, Unido has unlocked the power of Unido Core via an API. Third-party developers can now build a new generation of apps across crypto, lending, supply chain, banking, and more to provide individuals and enterprises with the security, governance, and compliance features they need for the seamless management of on-chain assets. 

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