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Unido Core API

The Unido Core API enables 3rd parties to build new products on top of Unido’s core technology, bringing security and governance to blockchain apps globally.

Unido EP demonstrates a working product which solves the challenge of accessibility, security, and governance for crypto transactions while providing a fully networked and efficient system. This innovative and revolutionary technology is now being engineered as a ubiquitous construct to be made available for use in any distributed app which involves blockchain-level transaction signing.

Unido Core will provide authenticated access via a documented API making the Unido construct available for the developer community at large - enhancing the levels of governance and security for any distributed app involved in blockchain authentication.

Unido Core API

  • Is easy to integrate as a conventional API

  • Endows any dApp with enterprise-grade security

  • Gateway to Unido Ecosystem


Multisig Method



Unido Method

Not supported by all blockchains

Supports any blockchain type

The transaction size increases with multiple signatures

Signatures can be aggregated together

Larger transactions attract larger fees

The transaction type is obscured / anonymous

Not always flexible in wallet


The transaction size remains minimal

Enterprise ready: (error)

Enterprise ready: (tick)



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